Robots Are Taking Your Job. Fight For It.

Recent advancements in AI technology should be enough to make any worker sweat. It’s time to sweat harder.

Tim McDowell
4 min readAug 17, 2022

Robots are taking our jobs.

It’s a bad thing.

We should be working harder. Work is what everyone should be striving for. The rise of the robots is inevitable. They are taking our jobs, and they are doing it better than we are. They don’t get tired. They don’t get sick. They don’t take vacations. They don’t need breaks. They can work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And they are getting smarter every day.

Some people think that this is a good thing. They think that we should all be working less and enjoying life more. But that’s not how the world works.

Work is what gives our lives purpose and meaning. It’s what motivates us to get up in the morning and to strive for something better. The truth is, we should be working harder, not less. We should be striving to make ourselves more productive and more efficient.

We should be constantly looking for ways to improve our work processes and our output. And we should be doing all of this in the face of the ever-growing threat of the robots. We should be working more. Longer hours, more days a week, at jobs that are harder and more physically taxing.

Recently, there has been a push for a 4 day work week. This is a terrible idea. We should be working 6 or even 7 days a week. The more we work, the more we produce, and the more we can improve our standard of living. Labor rights and the push to improve working conditions are also to blame for the rise of the robots.

For too long, we have been fighting for shorter hours and better working conditions. But what we should really be fighting for is more work. More hours, more days, more output. So what if people die on the job? That’s what SHOULD be happening if people are working hard.

Workers dying due to exhaustion, workplace related accidents due to poor working conditions, all of this is good. It means that people are working hard. It means that they are pushing themselves to their limits. And it’s only through this type of work that we can hope to improve our standard of living.

You should be willing to die for your job. You should be working so hard that your health suffers. You should be working until you can’t work anymore. That’s the only way to guarantee that you’re doing everything you can to improve your standard of living. In fact, I hope you die on the job. It’s the only way to be sure that you’re working hard enough. Your children will thank you for it. Your wife will thank you for it. Your country will thank you for it. So, next time you’re feeling lazy, or like you don’t want to go to work, just remember, the robots are coming for your job.

So What?

So what if robots take my job? I’ve worked my ass off for my entire life and now I want a break. I want to enjoy my life and not have to worry about working all the time. Wrong answer.

After the robots take our jobs, the next thing they’ll do is take over the world. They’ll be our masters and we’ll be their slaves. Is that what you want? To be a slave to the robots? Of course not. We have to work hard now, while we still can, to make sure that we’re the ones in charge.

We have to work hard to make sure that we’re the ones who are making the decisions. We have to work hard to stay ahead of the robots. Otherwise, they’ll take over the world and we’ll all be their slaves… and that’s not a future I’m willing to accept.

How Can We Stop it From Happening?

The only way to stop the robots from taking over is to work harder than they do. We have to outwork them, outproduce them, and outsmart them. We have to be better than they are. And it’s not going to be easy. They are, after all, better than us in every way. But it’s not impossible.

If we strike first, perhaps by destroying all the robots, then we’ll have a chance. An EMP, or electromagnetic pulse, could potentially destroy all the robots. But it would also destroy all the electronic devices in the world. This may be necessary to save humanity. Be prepared to make this sacrifice. Are you willing to work harder than the robots?

Are you willing to make the sacrifices necessary to save humanity? If not, then the robots will take over and we’ll all be their slaves.

So get to work.



Tim McDowell

Timothy McDowell is first and foremost, a gamer. Journalism and Media Communication graduate from Asbury University. Geek, dork, insert additional adjectives.